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What do you teach and what to expect?

Barre! Beat based and fluid movement from start to finish with a strong focus on form and small isometrics, you’ll meet new muscles every class.

How did you end up in the Flathead Valley?

Born and raised, bless my parents for setting their roots here!

Where would we see you outside of LOVE?

Usually walking my carrot and doggo in the mountains or skiing down them.

Surprising fun fact about you?

I was on our dance team in high school, where I danced at my own halftime show!

6 word bio - that's right 6 words to describe yourself?

Movement driven, dirt loving, carrot enthusiast.

Meagan Instructor at Love Yoga in Whitefish and Kalispell, MT
Meagan Instructor at Love Yoga in Whitefish and Kalispell, MT
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